by Regina Neenan | Nov 14, 2013 | Content Marketing
When you implement any new business strategy, you want to see results. Identifying these results is important for measuring your new strategy’s success. Your content marketing program is no different. But exactly what result do you want from your content marketing...
by Regina Neenan | Nov 11, 2013 | Content Marketing
Yes, you can reuse those old newsletter articles. In fact, you should! Most B2B marketers already repurpose content frequently — altering it for different channels, such as retooling a newsletter article into a blog post. But many of those marketers are leery of...
by Regina Neenan | Nov 7, 2013 | Email Newsletter Marketing
Okay, you’re convinced that an eNewsletter is the right choice. But that’s only half the battle! Now that you know you need one, what should you include in each issue to make it into a valuable B2B marketing tool? This is easily as important a decision as the one you...
by Regina Neenan | Oct 31, 2013 | Content Marketing
The benefits of having a business blog or eNewsletter are nearly endless — but trying to write and coordinate all that content can be overwhelming. Writer’s block is the kryptonite of content marketing. Sometimes, no matter how great your intentions are to get...
by Regina Neenan | Oct 28, 2013 | Content Marketing
When things get busy at the office, marketing tasks are typically the first to be put on the back burner. You can always write that blog post next week, and skipping just one newsletter won’t do any harm, right? The problem is that “next week” or...