A: Not only can you do this, but you absolutely should! Try a few of these easy blog boosters:
- Repurpose whole articles. This is different than republishing. Don’t simply copy and paste a newsletter article onto your blog. Rather, adapt the newsletter article for your blog’s intended audience. Repurposing may also include shortening the article, rewriting the lead sentence, changing the call to action, etc., but the meat of the article can come directly from your newsletter.
- Break long articles into a series of blog posts. Often a feature-length newsletter article contains multiple subtopics that can serve as individual blog posts. Create a two- or three-part series based on one newsletter article. This not only gives you multiple posts, but also provides readers a compelling reason to revisit your blog.
- Use a bullet, statistic, or quote from your enewsletter as a jumping-off point for a fresh blog post. One good stat or quote can evoke a great discussion that can serve as a whole blog post. Post the quote or statistic and then write a post on why it matters or what it means to your industry.
- Write an editorial that comments on an industry trend article. Remember this is your company’s blog and it should reflect the voice and personality of your company. Don’t be afraid to editorialize; share your opinions on industry trends reported on in your newsletter. A good blog inspires commentary from readers, so state your viewpoint and be prepared to hear your readers’ thoughts, too.