thanksgiving‘Tis the season to be thankful, and as Thanksgiving grows nearer, we here at Proven Systems want to give thanks for the things we appreciate most.

What’s the number one item on our list? You! We want all of our clients to know just how thankful we are for you and your business. We enjoy working with all of you immensely, and we look forward to continued success in 2014!

Here are a few more things that the Proven Systems team is thankful for this season:

  1. Our husbands, wives, and significant others, whom, as Lisa says, “know us well and like us anyway!”
  2. Hot Proven Systems blend coffee every morning, brewed by Dawn’s gifted hand.
  3. Nick is thankful for mountains he can snowboard on, sushi, and open source software.
  4. Warm and fuzzy boots, hats, and mittens for our chilly morning commutes.
  5. Our loving families.
  6. The exciting addition of Jay, Ginny, and Lisa who all joined the Proven Systems team this year!
  7. Holiday food, fun, and family.
  8. Our snuggly, playful cats and dogs.
  9. Kimberly is thankful for a cold beer on Odell’s new patio, and her Zumba and kickboxing classes to keep her in shape after the beer.
  10. The silly, expressive Skype emoticons that add a little flare to our inner-office communications.
  11. Rachel is thankful to be living in beautiful Fort Collins, just a stone’s throw from the incredible Rocky Mountains.
  12. Jordan is thankful for beer, whiskey, and wine (in that order).
  13. The never-ending opportunities to learn new things about our clients’ fascinating and diverse industries, which keeps us happily busy and out of trouble!
  14. Dawn is thankful for being able to wind down by knitting, accompanied by her family and furry friends.
  15. Marc is thankful for the unbeatable skills of our terrific team of seasoned email marketing professionals — he can sleep well at night knowing our clients are well taken care of!
  16. Spotify, for keeping up with our changing musical moods every day.
  17. Marc and Beth are thankful for their new “Big Green Egg” — which takes the Dube family on outdoor culinary adventures and keeps Marc company on fall evenings!
  18. Warm Colorado sunshine on a crisp autumn day.
  19. Amanda is thankful for Jimmy John’s, whose jalapeno chips and pregnancy-friendly vegetarian sandwich are conveniently located directly across the street from the Proven Systems office.
  20. The wonderful community where we live and work!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Proven Systems! We hope you have a holiday surrounded by friends, family, food, and fun!