Proven Systems Team

Happy Thanksgiving, from the PS Team!

In the haze of football, parades, and turkey that accompanies Thanksgiving Day, it’s easy to forget what the holiday is really about. It is a time to reflect on all of the wonderful things in your life and be thankful for what you have.

At Proven Systems, we have a lot to be grateful for. Here are just a few things we have to be thankful for this year:

1)    Living in quaint Fort Collins, one of the greatest towns in America — and also the Napa Valley of beer!

2)    Our Proven Systems lobby, which is always filled with comfy furniture and an abundance of sunshine.

3)    Kimberly is thankful for puppy football jerseys (and puppies!), Colorado sunsets over the Rockies, and baked goods shared by other team members.

4)    A beautiful fall season and pretty first snow.

5)    Anne is thankful to be part of a team of professionals all focused on the same goal: delivering quality marketing content.

6)    Dawn is thankful for Anne’s homemade gingerbread, the opportunity to learn something every day while creating content for a wide expanse of industries, and for coffee — the elixir of life.

7)    Our beloved Colorado, where we get 300 days of sunshine, easy access to the slopes, and adventure around every corner.

8)    Jordan is thankful for Geico commercials; happy hour with the team; the ongoing success of Internet; and for superglue, fishing line, and duct tape — tools he uses to MacGyver the occasional office prank.

9)    Our Broncos team — win or lose, we’ll still cheer them on!

10) Jay is thankful for having a great team to work with that takes care of our clients.

11) Loving family, friends, and our snuggly pets, who are always there for us.

12) Beth is thankful for our wonderful, hard working employees.

13) Our office balcony, where we can relax, take a break, and enjoy the outdoors.

14) Nick is thankful to be a Colorado native, for good podcasts, and for the magic that is

15) Our custom Proven Systems blend coffee to keep us happy and caffeinated all day.

16) Allison is thankful for swivel chairs, earmuffs, and the opportunity to work with people who are passionate about what they do.

17) Neature Walk, for providing our office with endless laughs. (How neat is that?)

18) Rachel is thankful for Colorado wildlife, an abundance of great microbreweries, and ever-changing technology to keep our minds sharp.

19) Marc is thankful for having an awesome team of amazing people to work with and not having to write the blogs and newsletters  on his own.

20) Our supportive clients who make everyday an adventure!

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Make your content work harder for you. Contact the professionals at Proven Systems at (800) 720-5398 or for a no-cost consultation.