Are You in “Communication Debt”?

You might know the term technical debt: In software development, it refers to putting off correcting a flaw in software to speed up product release. The “debt” is the time you borrow, compounded by the costly consequences of not fixing the issue at the...

How Much Should You Pay for Subscribers?

All list expansion efforts cost something, whether it’s time spent at events, money spent on paid ads or paid search marketing, or — as some sponsors have started doing at business events — offering attendees actual cash for their email addresses. Or it could cost you...

How Not to Do Content Curation

Although much of content marketing is creating original content, there is also a lot to be said for content curation, in which you share content that you think will be relevant to your audience. This technique builds trust in your business as a provider of quality...

The Low-Down on Leads

Leads, leads, leads — what every marketer wants. But in order to generate leads, you have to understand them. And for being such a common element in marketing, a surprising number of people don’t know exactly what they are. What is a lead? The definition of a lead is...