The 3 Essentials for Content Marketing

Content marketing: It’s a hot topic in marketing circles these days. But what exactly is it, and is it a legitimate marketing method or just a trendy buzz word? Wikipedia defines content marketing: “Content marketing subscribes to the notion that delivering...

Relationships Must Come First in B2B Sales

Any couple that has successfully made a long-distance romance work will likely attribute such success to one thing: communication! A B2B sale is like a long-distance relationship in many ways. In the B2B world, distance is often a factor as clients are spread across...

Do You Know the 7 Ways to Double Web Conversions?

Not so long ago in the B2B sales world, a company’s sales staff “dialed for dollars,” meaning much of the company’s revenue depended upon its sales force tenaciously cold calling to generate leads and eventual sales. Put the phone down Today, cold calling is about as...

Become a Thought Leader in Your Industry

In the B2B realm of product/service marketing, how much does your company’s expertise in its related field matter to your audience? A lot! Be an expert Research shows that customers welcome and even seek out vendor-produced information on specific topics relating to...