Get Out of Your Competitor’s Shadow!

A blog post by B2B Marketing Strategist Ardath Albee notes that when you try to plan your marketing strategy around what the competition is doing, you give your competitors the power to define your marketing message and lead the industry — while you meagerly follow in...

Match Your Message to the Medium

Preferred strategies and tactics of B2B versus B2C marketers vary greatly. However, they both agree that sending email promotions works. As outlined on, a recent Silverpop poll asked B2B marketers and B2C marketers to rank the email marketing tactics...

B2B Marketing in the Social Realm

If you’re waiting for the social media craze to fizzle out instead of joining the trend, you may want to rethink your stance. Not only is social media marketing undoubtedly here to stay, it also is proving to be a powerful tool for both B2B and B2C marketers. A study...

Surviving the Never-Ending Sales Cycle

When selling specialized products or services that have very long sales cycles, it is common for months or even years to go by between the time a lead is generated and a deal is closed with that lead. From copy machines to safety gear, vehicle fleets to software...

Outsource Your Content Marketing

L & L International is the world’s leader in the acquisition and sales of pre-owned private, corporate and executive jets. The company’s highly trained staff has established a solid reputation for knowing how to take care of customers and boasts an...

5 Keys to B2B Communications

Feel like a hamster on a wheel when it comes to your B2B communication strategy? It’s been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different outcome. So if your B2B communications plan is making you insane, maybe...

Build Trust to Grow Your Business

Think about a positive relationship in your life. What makes it positive? Likely there’s a foundation of trust and respect that has been built over time. When you trust and respect a person, you value and believe what he or she tells you. The person doesn’t have to...