by Regina Neenan | Aug 6, 2012 | Proven Systems
A successful social media campaign requires two main things: good content and an audience to follow it. One without the other just doesn’t make much sense. If you have great social media content that you regularly post but no one sees it, what’s the point? Even worse...
by Regina Neenan | Aug 2, 2012 | Social Media Strategy
Social media marketing is not spontaneous — it just looks that way As tempting as it may be to “wing it,” incorporating social media outlets into to your overall content marketing strategy requires great care and forethought. “Content strategy starts with the big...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 31, 2012 | Social Media Strategy
Content marketing has far surpassed buzzword or fad status: Today 90 percent of companies employ content marketing in their overall marketing strategies and spend an average of 26 percent of their marketing budgets on it. The companies who employ it correctly don’t...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 26, 2012 | Email Marketing
Some may argue that email isn’t as personal as other forms of marketing communication. But research shows that for many people, email actually is a “warm fuzzy” that enhances their image of the sender. Epsilon’s Email Branding Survey reveals that 57 percent of...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 23, 2012 | Lead Generation
There’s an old saying about friendship advising we should “make new friends but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.” The same is true for customers. Generating new customers ensures a healthy sales funnel. But old customers — the ones who...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 19, 2012 | B2B Marketing
It is imperative to educate prospects so that when they are ready to make a purchase, your company is the one and only option they consider. Establish an email communication plan that aims to educate prospects and customers rather than bombard them with a series of...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 16, 2012 | Case Study
Angela Smith, marketing manager at Avistar Communications, is a believer in sending a strong, clear marketing message — even when you have to say it multiple times. “I believe in this strategy because in today’s world, you really have to repeat your message to...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 9, 2012 | Case Study
Not only is California-based EVE Corporation a leader in the niche market of hardware assisted verification, it is a regular contributor to and trusted resource for targeted publications that cover the verification and emulation industries. EVE’s management team...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 5, 2012 | Lead Generation
A good eFlier gets straight to the point and has a clear call to action. eFliers are arguably the most powerful yet versatile marketing tool for communicating a single message and evoking a specific action from readers. eFliers can be extremely effective for specific...
by Regina Neenan | Jul 2, 2012 | Content Marketing
For many, the obvious answer to “why repurpose content?” is that it’s easier than always generating original content. Yes, repurposing does avoid draining the resources — time, talent, and money — needed to create awesome new content. But there’s more. Repurposing...