Why Moms Make Great Marketers

Why do moms make great marketers? The answer is simple: Because moms can do everything. And sometimes at the same time. They can be in four places at once. They can help with homework. They cook the best food. They can survive on limited amounts of sleep for long...

Why Hire a Newsletter Marketing Company?

You’re ready to ramp up your business. The sales team doesn’t have high quality leads. Current clients aren’t getting enough interaction. New products or services aren’t adequately promoted. Your company’s story isn’t being told. You decided an email newsletter will...

B2B Marketing Strategies for IT Company

Big Bang LLC is an IT company occupying an ultra-specific niche. In large enterprises with hundreds or thousands of individual computers, IT administrators waste endless hours setting up, configuring, and updating each one. Big Bang offers the only available tool that...

Lessons Learned at the Lanes

There’s nothing like 25 inches of snow to make you feel like getting out of the office! The Proven Systems team took off early on Friday for a little team building time and some much needed recreation! Chipper’s Lanes played host for our adventure. The whole gang was...

How to Improve Online Lead Generation

Q: How long do I really have until my online sales leads turn cold? A: Not long — and you probably have even less time than you think. According to the Harvard Business Review, you have about an hour to take advantage of a potential customer’s initial interest:...

Top 3 Content Marketing Pitfalls

By Jordan Way, Marketing Specialist Before you publish another blog post or write another article, make sure you understand how these three factors can leave your content marketing campaign dead in the water. Factor #1: Creating content that doesn’t solve a problem...

You Have the Branding, Now Where Are the Sales?!

Your marketing department creates some of the coolest promotions around. Your logo is sharp, and your marketing materials couldn’t be more professional. So why aren’t you making more sales? Most marketing departments focus on brand-building, but that’s only part of...

B2B Social Media Strategy Matters!

Social media is an easy way to get a conversation started with your customers, but posting information is only half the battle. Like other marketing communications, successful social media campaigns demand your presence and, most importantly, timely interaction....