Interview with a Salesman

Todd Bowolick

Todd Bowolick, Proven Systems Sales

In September, Proven Systems hired Todd Bowolick in our sales department. We’re happy to add him to our team: he has extensive experience in B2B sales and marketing. I decided he’d be the perfect person to discuss how content marketing integrates into the modern sales process.

So last Wednesday, Todd and I met up at the end of the day, 4:25 p.m., in the conference room. He had his ice water and smartphone, and I brought my caffeine-free Coca-Cola. Legal pad and pen in hand, I was ready to start the grilling.

Me: Is there really any value in content marketing and social media, or are you guys just trying to keep me busy and out of your hair?

Todd: (Laughs. A little too loud.) There is a ton of value in content marketing for the sales team. Blogs and status updates keep our brand top-of-mind. And that’s crucial. By providing prospects with knowledge that they deem valuable helps inform them and allows them to self- educate. Buyers today research, and they do it throughout the buying cycle. By offering useful information tailored to fit the different stages of the buying cycle, you essentially are nurturing your prospects throughout the different stages and leading them down the path to becoming a customer.  Most of the people researching a product or service online are somewhere in the buying process, we just don’t know where yet.

Me: OK … that makes sense. So prospects see us regularly, and we stay in their view. How else does content marketing make your job easier?

Todd: Well, the sales process has changed over the last ten years. Content and online marketing have really taken the place of cold calls and help reduce the time-consuming work of initially qualifying and nurturing leads. The prospects that make it to me are  generally knowledgeable about our products and our company. That allows me to hone in on their specific business objectives  and focus more energy on bringing on great new Proven Systems clients.

Me: Do you have any advice or suggestions for companies looking to expand their content marketing campaigns?

Todd: Just to keep it consistent. Content marketing and online presence is so important for driving traffic to your website. Prospects expect you to have a Web presence, and that includes social media — otherwise you run the risk of being overlooked when your prospects are shopping online without you. And there’s nothing worse than prospects seeing blogs that haven’t been updated since 2011.

Me:  Anything else you’d like to add?

Todd: The beauty of content marketing is delivering better quality leads to the sales team. These leads are basically raising their hands, saying, “Pick me, pick me! I’m interested in what you’re selling!” That really gives me an advantage for creating real results for our company.

Me: Thanks, Todd! Now get back to it!

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