Have you ever clicked a link to what seems like an interesting article, only to click away in annoyance because it demanded personal information before you were allowed to read it? On the other hand, you’ve probably also willingly supplied your contact information in exchange for an article or white paper from a source you know and trust.
What’s the difference? Why did you trust one company enough to “pay” them with your information in exchange for a valuable resource, but not the other? Chances are that the second company gave you valuable information with no strings attached before you made the choice to download its white paper.
There’s definitely a place for paid content, but it needs to be a balance. If you ask your readers to share personal information before giving them anything, then it’s likely that they’ll do nothing. It’s free content in addition to “paid” content that earns readers’ trust and makes them more likely to stick around.
How free content pays for itself
It may seem counterintuitive to give away the content you’ve spent valuable time, energy, and resources to create. But free content builds trust with prospects, and ultimately, that means more leads and conversions. Giving away some content without demanding anything in return has its benefits:
- Free content nurtures all levels of the sales funnel by openly demonstrating your knowledge and thought leadership. Prospects get a commitment-free intro to your products and services, and current clients can use that content as an educational tool.
- Providing free content helps you reach a wider audience, so you generate more traffic. It also draws readers deeper into your website because they can move freely through your content to find what they need without any commitment.
- By regularly offering free content, readers can envision the long-term effects of your products or services in their business. You build trust with your readers over time, which can lead to future sales.
- Because readers can share free content with their friends and colleagues, you reach even more highly qualified prospects.
Delivering your content
So how do you distribute this free content? Your email newsletter is a great place to start. With an email newsletter, you can send multiple articles with relevant, actionable, and free content right to your subscribers’ inboxes.
It’s also a great way to send materials that encourage your subscribers to get in touch with you, without directly asking them for their information: Sneak previews of new products or services or exclusive offers for newsletter readers can inspire prospects to raise their hands.
With all of this complimentary content available to your readers, it becomes much less threatening to offer a small amount of higher-value paid content in your newsletter, too. Once you see what free content can do for you, you’ll be itching to give your content away!
Do you know how to make the most of your free content? Contact the professionals at Proven Systems at (800) 720-5398 or info@provensystems.com for a no-cost consultation and evaluation of your current email marketing practices.