Innovator Industrial logoInnovator Industrial Services delivers high-value specialty maintenance services across Canada and supports heavy industry’s high-temperature and high-pressure piping systems to the oil and gas industry — as well as many other technical industries that require piping system maintenance. “Our success is tied to bringing new technology into Canada that nobody has seen before,” says Megan Parss, Marketing Coordinator with Innovator. “We have searched the world for technology partners with highly innovative products and it has really made an impact on several of our service lines.”

In addition to finding the most innovative products and services, the Innovator team also prides itself on developing strong relationships with their customers. “We really mean it when we say that that we have the right tools for any job,” Parss says, “and since we are a customer company, we strive to find the best possible solution for any customer who needs service.”

Why a newsletter?
To maintain extraordinary customer service, Innovator focuses on making sure customers know just how extensive the company’s offerings are. “A customer who has asked us to perform one service for them in the past may not be aware that we have the capability to do others for them in the future,” Parss explains.

The company already reaches out to their customer base in a variety of ways. “We attend seminars, conferences, and tradeshows, advertise and sponsor events, and even offer our lunch-and-learn solutions,” says Parss. “These are all really great ways to meet potential clients as well as reconnect with current customers.”

However, Innovator was interested in another communications tool — one that allows them to maintain regular interaction with clients and prospective customers, even if they don’t attend any of Innovator’s in-person events. “In deciding which media outlet to use, we needed to first consider what our message would be and which outlet would best suit our readership,” Parss says. “We found that by creating a newsletter full of useful and informative information combined with our core values, we could capture everything in one quarterly newsletter.”

Most importantly, the Innovator team thinks a newsletter is a great fit for their customers. “We feel that it is a great method of communication to our readers because they aren’t forced to view our newsletter immediately. They can take their time and read our stories when they have the opportunity to do so,” Parss explains. “Also, with technology being as advanced as it is, our readership can use any device, any time to read our articles. So, whether they are on the go or having a coffee break, they can see that we are always advancing and improving our services to meet whatever challenges they are faced with.”

Outsourcing is key
The Innovator team decided to outsource production of their quarterly newsletter, The Innovator Advantage, to Proven Systems. “Proven Systems is a highly reputable organization with a strong working knowledge of what is important when producing and distributing a newsletter,” Parss says. “We felt that they really made our values and goals their own and put our best interests first.”

Plus, the Innovator team has discovered that not only does outsourcing their newsletter production save time, it also helps maintain their brand’s sterling reputation. “We found that by outsourcing our newsletter, we actually benefit by having a fresh set of eyes on our look, our message, and even the consistency of certain items,” she notes.

Continued success
The relationship between Innovator and Proven Systems continues to be a success. “Proven Systems has really taken the time to learn our business and what is important to us,” Parss says. “They take that vision and always apply it to our articles and features. They know that we are a customer-driven company and really make it their focus too … They are a wonderful team to work with and always keep us on schedule. They never miss a beat.”

Innovator is pleased that their newsletter continues to be such a success — both for the company and their customers. “We enjoy sending out our quarterly newsletter because we are proud of what we do,” Parss says. “By choosing a newsletter, we can really showcase what we do and how we do it!”

How can you keep your customers in the know? Get quality and consistent newsletter delivery. Contact the professionals at Proven Systems at (800) 720-5398 or for a no-cost consultation.