It is imperative to educate prospects so that when they are ready to make a purchase, your company is the one and only option they consider. Establish an email communication plan that aims to educate prospects and customers rather than bombard them with a series of sales pitches.

You’ll achieve these 3 goals:

    • Build credibility: By consistently sharing tips, trends, data and insight about your industry, you’ll gain prospects’ and customers’ respect and trust. They will see you as an expert in your field, the go-to source on a topic within the industry.
    • Enhance relationships: People prefer to do business with those they know and trust — those with whom they have a relationship. Customers also look to companies that show more than they tell. Educating customers and prospects about your industry, company, products and services helps build a relationship based on relevant, valuable information rather than persuasion. Customers and prospects attach this value to your company and brand, allowing them to feel connected to you in a way they may not feel about your competitors.
    • Stay top of mind: When you regularly deliver value to your customers and prospects through relevant, timely information, your company will be the first they think of when they’re ready to act.