Sept. 22 heralds the autumnal equinox: The date when day and night are the same length. It also means that from this point forward, the days are getting shorter. Of course you’re not actually losing any hours in your workday, but when the sun sets early it can sure feel like it! The thought of getting home in time to enjoy a few minutes of fall sunshine certainly makes leaving at 5 p.m. all the more appealing.
But many hardworking business owners and dedicated employees aren’t leaving at 5 p.m. Or 6 p.m. Or even 7 p.m. They’re working well into the evening on projects and campaigns to improve their relationships with customers and drum up new business. After all, finding an efficient, proven marketing tool takes late nights, right?
Why spend your evenings developing new content when there’s a tool out there that meets all your B2B marketing needs? Not only will an outsourced email newsletter eliminate some of your most challenging marketing obstacles, it will also offer substantial savings in your most valuable resource: time.
An effective email newsletter covers a lot of bases:
- Lead generation: Compelling offers and calls to action prompt new prospects to raise their hands. Most will gladly share at least their name and email address with you in exchange for access to something of value — a white paper highlighting industry research, for example.
- Customer retention: Your customers already choose to work with you, and an email newsletter is a great reminder why. It keeps your brand and services top of mind, and allows you to highlight new or additional offerings that may benefit existing clients.
- Enhanced reputation: By offering timely, industry-relevant content and articles on a regular basis, you’re developing your reputation as an industry leader and resource. Plus, your articles can be repurposed for your blog, social media, and other marketing materials, further expanding the reach of your expertise.
When you work with a reputable email marketing company, you relinquish the work, not the control. You still have a reliable, results-driven marketing campaign, but you’re also getting home before the sun sets. So, go ahead and leave at 5 p.m. Your email newsletter will stay late to solve your B2B marketing problems.
Is your marketing program preventing you from leaving work on time? There’s a better way. Contact Proven Systems today — we’ll make sure your email newsletter is taken care of, so you can get home early!