Are Your B2B Communications Missing the Mark?

two business people communicatingCompanies place substantial emphasis on the customer experience — and they should. After all, happy, satisfied customers are the lifeblood of a successful organization.

Some businesses go to great lengths to develop intuitive customer interfaces with their products. But many more companies feel overwhelmed by the details and intricacies involved in customer service and hope it will take care of itself. It won’t.

For these companies sitting in customer service limbo, it’s time for a wake-up call: One crucial aspect of a positive customer experience is the level of communication the end user gets from a company.

Customer service in B2B organizations
B2B organizations often find themselves in this customer service conundrum. The challenge for B2B communicators is the varied audience: Everyone from end users and purchasers to supervisors and C-suite executives has a stake in the success of your solution. But it’s important to realize that even though the B2B audience is broad, it’s still comprised of people who are depending on your product, service, or software. You can be sure that concerns or questions will arise, especially during the initial stages of your relationship, and you need to be available to respond.

However, developing robust customer service is only half the battle: You have to communicate its existence to the appropriate stakeholders. What happens when a business has a fantastic process and services in place, but its customers don’t know about it? What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate on the company’s part. If you’re not proactive about letting clients know enough about your company, products, or services, then that is a real disservice to them.

Layer your communications
So how do you effectively inform and educate your clients about your solutions? This can be challenging, considering the broad group you’re trying to reach. Some may be clients for years, while others are just coming on board. They could be from myriad industries and positions. But developing a clear, consistent communication plan for your customer service department isn’t impossible, and you need to make it a priority.

This communication plan is an essential part of your B2B communications. It should cover several levels, from one-on-one exchanges to one-to-many solutions. Direct emails or phone calls will let your clients know that you’re checking on them, and one-to-many solutions, like email newsletters or webinars, serve a variety of purposes. You can answer common questions, promote new services, and even use the opportunity to educate prospects. Prioritizing communication in your customer service strategy will offer benefits elsewhere in your business as well, like lead nurturing and gaining endorsements from happy clients.

Ensure your company’s customer service success — make sure there’s no failure to communicate!

Are your customer service communications causing more problems than they are solving? Contact to find out how an email newsletter can solve multiple communication challenges for your business.


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