Fort Collins, Colo. (Nov. 15, 2004) — Proven Systems, providers of high-caliber eNewsletters and eMarketing programs, is now providing eMarketing services for Intermap Technologies.

“We are very pleased to be working with such a successful and outstanding organization,” said Proven Systems President Marc Dube. “Intermap Technologies develops and provides great products and services. I’m sure their customers and prospects will appreciate the educational eNewsletter Intermap will provide.”

The first Intermap Technologies eNewsletter will be available in early February 2005. Intermap Technologies was founded in 1996 and has employees and operations worldwide. The company serves the growing digital elevation model (DEM) and geographic information systems (GIS) marketplace. Utilizing eNewsletters as part of its marketing portfolio will allow Intermap Technologies the opportunity to offer quality, educational materials to customers and prospects.

About Proven Systems
Proven Systems Corp., located in Fort Collins, Colo., is a leader in providing high-caliber, permission-based and educational eMarketing programs and eNewsletters. Proven Systems helps companies build more profitable relationships with customers and prospects through customized eNewsletter programs. The Proven Systems software can help organizations understand and monitor results from their marketing efforts. For more information call (970) 223-6565 or visit