Ah, spring: Renewal and rejuvenation after a cold, dark winter. The tulips and crocuses began emerging from the frozen ground last week, and our resident woodpecker arrived a few days ago to start hammering away right outside Kimberly’s window.
It’s time to let the light shine, and now is as good a time as any to shine that light on your current content marketing strategy. Just like cobwebs building up in corners, your once-glistening marketing goals can collect dust and slowly get out of focus over time. Any email marketing agency worth its salt will tell you that all businesses need to regularly review their marketing plan. Successful marketing takes constant attention and monitoring to make sure your messages are effectively getting to the right people.
Ask yourself some questions to get the cleaning going:
- Are we reaching the ideal audience? The messages will be different if you’re targeting decision makers in the C-suite versus end users of your product or service.
- Are we giving our readers something valuable? Effective content marketing informs and educates the audience. They won’t sit still to read all about your company — they need information they can use.
- What problems are we solving for our clients? Business buyers will seek you out when they are ready to purchase, usually when a problem arises. Make sure the solution you offer fixes a prominent business challenge.
- Are we getting results? Closely monitor your present efforts to see if they have the desired effect. For instance, is your email newsletter marketing drawing readers to your website? Or is your white paper being downloaded at the projected rate? If not, it’s time to shake things up.
B2B marketing takes patience and attention. Spring marks a new quarter, a new season, and a perfect opportunity to analyze the success of the marketing strategies you have in place.
Do you have the time to devote to your newsletter marketing to make it as effective as it could be? Contact marc@provensystems.com to find out how to reduce your time and increase results of your email newsletter marketing.